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(Droopy Eyelids)
Ptosis or blepharoptosis of the eyelids essentially means a drooping eyelid. The result of this condition is that the affected eye appears small. Ptosis can either be congenital - that is present since birth; or acquired later on in life. It can affect one or both eyes. Ptosis is a condition that is treated surgically by an oculoplastic surgeon. The choice of surgery depends largely on the severity of the drooping eyelid and the strength or power of the eyelid muscle. Dr. Akshay G. Nair has performed hundreds of ptosis surgeries with many happy and satisfied patients from across the world. The recovery from ptosis surgery is usually one week. Some of our ptosis patients' photographs can be seen here:
Cases of ptosis / droopy eyes Operated by Dr. Akshay G. Nair
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